fake church
fake church friday sermons
what is balance?

what is balance?


  • last week, i told y’all that i felt a candle coming, but when that moment came, i overthought it and missed it. i’ve been doing that a lot lately. instead of acting, i think about it, try to figure it out, then it fizzles out, and it’s over. this is basically a reminder that perfect is the enemy of good. however, now that i recognize this pattern, i can (fingers crossed) do better.

  • in case you’re wondering what the candle was going to be, it was all about psychic opening and connecting deeper through intuition. as the samhain season comes, we’ll have plenty of time to do that kind of work.

opening “prayer”

check the podcast to get some meditation-style energy work that goes well with the sermon.

friday sermon

the days have been getting shorter over the last three months, and the equinox on sunday marks the shift from longer days to longer nights and the official beginning of cozy fall. here comes sweater weather, all things pumpkin, and a general slowing down of energy (in direct opposition to the hectic holiday industrial complex in the west).

what i love most about the equinox, and why i named my business equinox, is the idea of balance. that is where we find calm and strength. it’s where we experience flow, where we are our best selves, and where we feel most comfortable.

sometimes we imagine it as walking a tightrope, precarious, trying not to fall to either side, but i don’t think that’s true balance. more likely that’s just another way we avoid the vulnerability required for balance.

what it really looks like is a constant recalibrating within a wider range, like a path or a trail. that still sounds exhausting, but it becomes easier, even natural, with practice. we are inundated with stimuli all the time. the work is deciding what we do with it.

do we take everyone’s demands of us deep within us, or do we look more carefully and make our own decisions about what we will or will not let in?

do we prioritize the desires of society, church, family, and others, or do we focus on our own inherent authenticity to decide who we are?

as we get closer to ourselves, it’s easier to do that constant recalibrating from gut reactions and recognizing repeating lessons. that’s what balance really is - being our most authentic and truest selves.

closing “prayer”

may we find balance through knowing ourselves.

so mote it be.

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fake church
fake church friday sermons
join fake church: no dogma, less trauma. i publish non-religious sermons every friday on substack. this podcast provides the full fake church experience as an audio version including opening/closing rituals.